What is a psychological evaluation?

Psychological evaluation offers a formal way to assess traits, beliefs and abilities that impact an individual’s mental health and overall functioning. A psychological evaluation can determine the presence of conditions such as depression, anxiety, or a personality disorder. It can also identify developmental disorder such as Autism Spectrum disorder. It can aid in assessing cognitive strengths and weaknesses, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and learning disabilities. A psychological evaluation can aid with employment and disability determination.

Evaluations offered:

*Mental Health Evaluations for all ages starting at 4 years old
*Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
*Learning Disability and Achievement Testing
*Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disorders
*Disability Eligibility and Safety Assessments
*Juvenile Corrections and Adult Forensic Evaluations
*Pre-Employment Evaluations for Law Enforcement and Military Personnel
*Child Custody and Parental Capacity Evaluations.

A variety of evaluations are offered that are not limited to those listed. If you are interested in specialized assessment, please call for a free consult.